Our Achievements

Our Experience

Satisfied Customers

0 +

Thousands of satisfied customers across Portland and surrounding areas.

Years Of Experience

0 +

Over a decade of experience providing mobile locksmith services to Portland residents.



5 expert locksmiths ready to fix any lock-related problem at any time of the day (24/7).

Our team

One of the staff of Locksmith General - locksmith in portland oregon

Zakai quick

Avi Butler the ceo of Locksmith General

Avi Butler

locksmiths portland - one of our team

Layla quick

one of the staff of LOCKSMITH GENERAL LLC

Pedro Dumont

Who we are?

LOCKSMITH GENERAL LLC is a leading company in the field of locksmith services at Portland, 

Our main goal is to provide the best locksmith services at Portland and the area, what we have been doing with love for over 12 years.